Flexbar 16300复制胶泥16130计量打样膏现货价格
摘要:苏州斯文克精密测量设备有限公司销售Flexbar 16300复制胶泥16130计量打样膏现货价格,同时代理美国PMC石油量规、Gagemaker螺纹单项仪、国产HBPV螺纹规、BPV背压阀石油量规、REG量规、NC螺纹规等。
苏州斯文克精密测量设备有限公司销售Flexbar 16300复制胶泥16130计量打样膏现货价格,同时代理美国PMC石油量规、Gagemaker螺纹单项仪、国产HBPV螺纹规、BPV背压阀石油量规、REG量规、NC螺纹规等。
FLEXBAR 16300套装
Each kit includes the following:
- 1 each Repro-Mix II reusable Dispensing Gun
- 6 each 50ml prefilled Reprorubber Disposable Cartridges
- 15 Disposable Mixing Nozzles
- Deluxe Fitted Carrying Case
Reprorubber® Orange Medium Body 50ml Cartridge
Clone Any Part Quickly With Reprorubber®
Reprorubber® is an exotic metrology-grade rubber that self-cures in minutes. It creates a virtually perfect replica casting of internal and external forms. Reprorubber® is excellent for checking parts with optical comparators, is non-toxic, easy to use, never requires a release agent and is 100 times faster than RTV silicons.
Easy-To-Use Prefilled, Quick Dispense Cartridges are now available in New Orange, Medium Body. Prefilled 50ml Dual barrel cartridges have a 1:1 ratio.
苏州斯文克精密测量设备有限公司销售FLEXBAR全系列产品,期待您的咨询,同时我们销售各类ACME石油量规、REG螺纹规/NC螺纹规/TBG螺纹规/UPTBG螺纹规等,还有cameron ball gage球规、Gagemaker螺纹中径量仪等。