Cameron 密封圈槽球规
美国Mueller Gage量仪
德国IBR GmbH测控量仪
Marposs 电子柱│传感器
Wrentham Tool Group
瑞士WYLER AG电子仪器

美国gagemaker生产的MIC系列的测长机是专业的校准设备,可以检验螺纹量规、对gagemaker单项仪进行校准。对量规的校准,MIC TRAC使用带有校准软件(CERTIFI)的计算机来进行。它能打印校准证书并记录跟踪量规信息。作为选项,在校准中使用CAL-PAK(工作夹具)来夹住并固定量规。使用MIC TRAC校准工作台的客户不仅切实体会到了实实在在的开支节省,而且能更出色的对他们的测量设备进行校准。
MT-3012-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal -0” to12”, External -1½” to 13½” |
MT-3012F-10-USBC | High Resolution MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal - 0” to 12”, External -1½” to 13½” |
MT-3012F-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Force-Lok, DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal - 0” to 12”, External - 1½” to 13½” |
MT-3012F-50-USBC | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal - 0” to 12”, External -1½” to 13½” |
MT-3024 Cal FL | Calibration Force-Lok 24” |
MT-3024 Cal NF | Calibration Non Force-Lok 24” |
MT-3024 w/ SLEC File | Calibration |
MT-3024-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 24”, External 1½” to 25½” |
MT-3024F-10-USBC | High Resolution MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 24”, External- 1½” to 25½” |
MT-3024F-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Force-Lok, DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal - 0” to 24”, External -1½” to 25½” |
MT-3024F-50-USBC | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 24”, External- 1½” to 25½” |
MT-3036 Cal FL | Calibration Force-Lok 36” |
MT-3036 Cal NF | Calibration Non Force-Lok 36” |
MT-3036 w/ SLEC File | Calibration |
MT-3036-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 36”, External 1½” to 37½” |
MT-3036F-10-USBC | High Resolution MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks Internal- 0” to 36”, External- 1½” to 37½” |
MT-3036F-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Force-Lok, DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 36” External- 1½” to 37½” |
MT-3036F-50-USBC | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks Internal- 0” to 36”, External- 1½” to 37½” |
MT-3048 Cal FL | Calibration Force-Lok 48” |
MT-3048 Cal NF | Calibration Non Force-Lok 48” |
MT-3048 w/ SLEC File | Calibration |
MT-3048-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 48”, External 1½” to 49½” |
MT-3048F-10-USBC | High Resolution MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 48”, External- 1½” to 49½” |
MT-3048F-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Force-Lok, DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 48”, External-1½” to 49½” |
MT-3048F-50-USBC | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 48”, External- 1½” to 49½” |
MT-3060 Cal FL | Calibration Force-Lok 60” |
MT-3060 Cal NF | Calibration Non Force-Lok 60” |
MT-3060 w/ SLEC File | Calibration |
MT-3060-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 60”, External- 1½” to 61½” |
MT-3060F-10-USBC | High Resolution MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 60”, External- 1½” to 61½” |
MT-3060F-50 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Force-Lok, DRO and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 60”, External- 1½” to 61½” |
MT-3060F-50-USBC | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 60”, External- 1½” to 61½” |
MT-3090F-10-USBC | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ Desktop Computer, MT-4-USB, and TF-PL Blocks, Internal- 0” to 90”, External- 1½” to 61½”, Scale .00025um |
MT-4012 | Calibration 12” |
MT-4012-10 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ digital readout software, desktop computer, andTF-2R Blocks, Internal- 0” to12”, External- 1½” to 13½” |
MT-4024 | Calibration 24” |
MT-4024-10 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ digital readout software, desktop computer, and TF-2R Blocks Internal- 0” to 24”, External- 1½” to 25½” |
MT-4036 | Calibration 36” |
MT-4036-10 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ digital readout software, desktop computer, and TF-2R Blocks, Internal- 0” to 36”, External- 1½” to 37½” |
MT-4048 | Calibration 48” |
MT-4048-10 | MIC TRAC Base Unit w/ digital readout software, desktop computer, and TF-2R Blocks, Internal- 0” to 48”, External- 1½” to 49½” |
MT-4-USB w/software | Digital readout software module with digital data acquisition card. Includes CERTIFI software. |
MT-CAK | Coarse adjustment knob |
MT-CALL | Coarse adjustment locking lever |
MT-CPU-H | MT-3000 CPU Holder |
MT-DRO-F | MT-3000 Series Digital Readout Force-Lok |
MT-DRO-N | MT-3000 Series Digital Readout Non-Force-Lok |
MT-FABearing | Bearing for the fine adjustment (.5 od 2 2.5 id x .187 wide ball bearing) |
MT-FAK | Fine adjust knob |
MT-FALK | Fine adjust lock knob, 3/4" diameter knurled |
MT-FALL | Fine adjustment locking lever |
MT-LOADCELL | MIC TRAC ForceLok Load Cell (replacement) |
MT-Ujoint | U-joint for the fine adjust |
OG-9801 | Special ovality gage for tubular products. Range 2" - 6", 3-Point contact, two sets of rollers and indicator w/ roller contact. |
OG-9802 | Special ovality gage for tubular products. Range 6" - 10", 3-Point contact, two sets of rollers and indicator w/ roller contact . |
OG-9803 | Special ovality gage for tubular products. Range 10" - 14", 3-Point contact, two sets of rollers and indicator w/ roller contact . |
OI-3.5-2-H90-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 3.5-2-H90 |
OI-3.5-3-H90-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 3.5-3-H90 |
OI-3-1.25-H90-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 3-1.25-H90 |
OI-4-2-V038-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 4-2-V038 |
OI-4-2-V050-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 4-2-V050 |
OI-4-3-V038-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 4-3-V038 |
OI-4-3-V050-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 4-3-V050 |
OI-5-3-V040-50X | Special thread insert overlay inspection chart with tolerance limits of .0005" and 50x magnification. 5-3-V040 |
Overlay | Overlays |
P-500 | TH-3001R, Flat Face Contact |
PA-30 | 30° Point adapter |
PA-45 | 45° Point adapter |
PD-3000B | Pit Depth Gage BASE ONLY |
PD-3000BF | Pit Depth Gage Flat BASE ONLY |
PD-3000BF-10 | Pit Depth Gage 10” Wide Flat BASE ONLY |
PD-3000BF-6 | Pit Depth Gage 6” Wide Flat BASE ONLY |
PD-3000BV | Pit Depth Gage V BASE ONLY |
PD-3000BV-6 | Pit Depth Gage 6” Wide V BASE ONLY |
PD-3003 | Pit Depth Gage, AGD #1, 0-100 |
PD-3004 | Pit Depth Gage, AGD #2, 0-100 |
PD-3005 | Pit Depth Gage w/ flat base, AGD #2, 0-100 |
PD-3006 | Pit Depth Gage w/ 6” long flat base, AGD #2, 0-100 |
PD-3007 | Pit Depth Gage w/ 6” long V base, AGD #2, 0-100 |
PD-6000 | Internal pitch diameter gage (“V” & ACME) 1½” to 9” |
PD-6000-02 | Replacement arm set 2½” length |
PD-6000-07 | Replacement arm set 4½” length |
PD-6000-1 | Internal pitch diameter gage (“V” & ACME) 1½” to 9”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-6001 | Internal pitch diameter gage 6” to 24” |
PD-6001-1 | Internal pitch diameter gage 6” to 24”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-6001-12E | Internal pitch diameter gage extension rod 12” length |
PD-6001-24E | Internal pitch diameter gage extension rod 24” length |
PD-6001-36E | Internal pitch diameter gage extension rod 36” length |
PD-6001-CBA | PD-6001 Cap and Base Assembly |
PD-6001-PD1 | Contact point adapter |
PD-6001-PD2 | Adjustment cap |
PD-6001-PD3 | Adjustment cap lock nut |
PD-6001-PD4C | Cap - CDI Indicator |
PD-6001-PD4M | Cap - Mitutoyo Indicator |
PD-6001-PDA | Extension rod .430” |
PD-6001-PDB | Extension rod .860” |
PD-6001-PDC | Extension rod 1.290” |
PD-6001-PDD | Extension rod 1.720” |
PD-6001-PDE | Extension rod 3.440” |
PD-6001-PDF | Extension rod 5.590” |
PD-6001-PDG | Extension rod 7.740” |
PD-6001-PDH | Extension rod 10.320” |
PD-6002 | Internal pitch diameter gage 9” to 27”, Travel- 2", Resolution- .001" |
PD-8000 | External ball pitch diameter gage 0” to 2⅜” |
PD-8000-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 0” to 2⅜”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8000-2-11 | PD-8000 11" Long Extension Arm, provides 8" diameter adjustment |
PD-8000-CAL | Calibration |
PD-8001 | External ball pitch diameter gage 0” to 6” |
PD-8001-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 0” to 6”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8001-RSC | Pin Rotary Shoulder pitch diameter gage 0” - 6” w/ Electronic .500" travel dial indicator |
PD-8002 | External ball pitch diameter gage 6” to 12” |
PD-8002-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 6” to 12”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8002-RSC | Pin Rotary Shoulder pitch diameter gage 6” - 12” w/ Electronic .500" travel dial indicator |
PD-8004 | External ball pitch diameter gage 12” to 16” |
PD-8004-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 12” to 16”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8006 | External ball pitch diameter gage 16” to 20” |
PD-8006-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 16” to 20”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8008 | External ball pitch diameter gage 20” to 24” |
PD-8008-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 20” to 24”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8010 | External ball pitch diameter gage 24” to 28” |
PD-8010-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 24” to 28”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8012 | External ball pitch diameter gage 28” to 36” |
PD-8012-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 28” to 36”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8013 | External ball pitch diameter gage 36” to 44” |
PD-8013-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 36” to 44”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8014 | External ball pitch diameter gage 44” to 52” |
PD-8014-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 44” to 52”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8015 | External ball pitch diameter gage 52” to 60” |
PD-8015-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 52” to 60”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-8016 | External ball pitch diameter gage 60” to 72” |
PD-8016-1 | External ball pitch diameter gage 60” to 72”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PD-BX | Setting BX/BXG Gage, 1/2” x 1/2” U-notch |
PE-.300 | Point extensions .300” |
PE-.500 | Point extensions .500” |
PE-.750 | Point extensions .750” |
PE-1.00 | Point extensions 1.000” |
PE-1.250 | Point extensions 1.250” |
PEL-1400 | Pelican case 12¼” X 9¼” X 5¼” |
PEL-1450 | Pelican case 15” X 10⅜” X 6” |
PEL-1500 | Pelican case 17⅞” X 11¾” X 6⅛” |
PEL-1550 | Pelican case 19⅞” X 13¼” X 7¾” |
PEL-1600 | Pelican case 22” X 17” X 8” |
PEL-1700 | Pelican case 36” X 13½” X 5” |
PEL-1750 | Pelican case 50¾” X 13½” X 5” |
PG-6000 | Internal thread roll gage 1½” to 9” |
PG-6000-1 | Internal thread roll gage 1½” to 9”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PG-6000-17 | Locking T-nut for arms |
PG-6000-1w/XA | Internal functional roll gage with 4 ½” reach arms, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PG-6000-SA | Replacement arm set 2½” reach |
PG-6000w/XA | Internal functional roll gage with 4 ½” reach arms. |
PG-6000-XA | Extended reach arm set 4½” reach |
PG-6001 | Internal thread roll gage 9” to 16” |
PG-6001-1 | Internal thread roll gage 9” to 16”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PG-6002 | Internal thread roll gage 16” to 24” |
PG-6002-1 | Internal thread roll gage 16” to 24”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PG-6003 | Internal Thread roll gage 24” to 32” |
PG-6003-1 | Internal Thread roll gage 24” to 32”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
PGC-12-W2 | Precision Calibration Package: MT-4012-10, CAL-PAK, Card Set, CRC, TF-2R, TF-XYT, computer, CERTIFI, TDWIN, AWH-100, torque wrench, and shipping container |
PGC-24-W2 | Precision Calibration Package: MT-4024-10, CAL-PAK, Card Set, CRC, TF-2R, TF-XYT, computer, CERTIFI, TDWIN, AWH-100, torque wrench, and shipping container |
PGC-36-W2 | Precision Calibration Package: MT-4036-10, CAL-PAK, Card Set, CRC, TF-2R, TF-XYT, computer, CERTIFI, TDWIN, AWH-100, torque wrench, and shipping container |
PGC-48-W2 | Precision Calibration Package: MT-4048-10, CAL-PAK, Card Set, CRC, TF-2R, TF-XYT, computer, CERTIFI, TDWIN, AWH-100, torque wrench, and shipping container |
PG-LTRP-12 | Lower Thread Roll Pin for the PG-6000 with washer and screw |
PG-UTRP-7 | Upper Thread Roll Pin for the PG-6000 with washer and screw |
PN-3000/T.04087 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.04087” (1.038 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.044 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0440” (1.12 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.0472 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0472” (1.20 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.0591 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0591” (1.50 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.064 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0640” (1.62 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.072 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0720” (1.83 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.0748 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0748” (1.90 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.078 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0780” (1.9812 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.0787 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0787” (2.00 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.0811 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0811” (2.06 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.0815 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0815” (2.07 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.094 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.0940” (2.39” mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.100 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1000” (2.54 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.114 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1140” (2.90 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.1181 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1181” (3.00 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.121 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1210” (3.07 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.122 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1220” (3.10 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.1221 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1221” (3.10 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.1378 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1378” (3.50 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.171 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1710” (4.34 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.1969 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.1969” (5.00 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.200 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.2000” (5.08 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.3149 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.3149” (8.00 mm) thick |
PN-3000/T.350 | Pin Seal Standoff Plate, 0.3500” (8.89 mm) thick |
PN-3001 | Pin Nose Diameter Gage, (0” - 5.50”), customer to supply standoff and contact point diameter information prior to production of gage |
PN-3002 | Pin Nose Diameter Gage, (0” - 9.50”), customer to supply standoff and contact point diameter information prior to production of gage |
PN-3003 | Pin Nose Diameter Gage, (0” - 13.50”), customer to supply standoff and contact point diameter information prior to production of gage |
PN-3004 | Pin Nose Diameter Gage, up to 19.50", customer to supply standoff and contact point diameter information prior to production of gage |
PN-3005 | Pin Nose Diameter Gage, up to 24", customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PN-3005 | Pin Nose Diameter Gage, up to 24", customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PN-3006 | Pin Nose Diameter Gage, 24"-36", customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PN-31VM-30 | 30° Internal/External Apex Seal Diameter “V”, Int. 2⅜” - 6⅝”/ Ext. 4” - 6⅝” |
PN-33VM-30 | 30° Internal/External Apex Seal Diameter “V”, Int. 2⅜” - 14”/ Ext. 4” - 14” Ext |
PN-33VM-30-2 | Upper Anvil |
PN-33VM-30-3 | Lower Anvil |
PNA-3001 | 30° External Apex Diameter Gage, Anvils 2” - 4¼” |
PNA-3001-VMA | 30° External Apex Diameter Gage, Anvils 2” - 4¼” |
PNA-3002 | 30° External Apex Diameter Gage, Anvils 2” - 9⅝” |
PNA-3002-VMA | 30° External Apex Diameter Gage, Anvils 2” - 9⅝” |
PNA-3003 | 30° External Apex Diameter Gage, Anvils 2” - 13⅜” |
PNA-3003-VMA | 30° External Apex Diameter Gage, Anvils 2” - 13⅜” |
PNA-3003-VMA-2 | Upper Anvil |
PNA-3003-VMA-3 | Lower Anvil |
PNI-3001 | Internal “Ball Contact” Seal Diameter Gage 2” - 5½”, customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PNI-3001-VMB | Internal “Ball Contact” Seal Diameter Gage 2” - 5½”, customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PNI-3002 | Internal “Ball Contact” Seal Diameter Gage 2” - 9⅝”, customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PNI-3002-VMB | Internal “Ball Contact” Seal Diameter Gage 2” - 9⅝”, customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PNI-3003 | Internal “Ball Contact” Seal Diameter Gage, 2” - 13⅜”, customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PNI-3003-VMB | Internal “Ball Contact” Seal Diameter Gage, 2” - 13⅜”, customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PNI-3004 | Internal "Ball Contact" Seal Diameter Gage, 2" - 20" range. Customer to provide standoff and contact point selection. |
PNI-3004-VMB | Internal “Ball Contact” Seal Diameter Gage, 2” – 20”, customer to supply standoff and contact point information prior to production of gage |
PNS-3000 | Pin Nose Gage Setting Standard, 2” - 13⅜” |
Profile Gage | Calibration |
PT-4000 | Power Tight Make-up Gage |
RC-375 | .375” Dia. Roller Contact |
RG-7000 | External thread roll gage ⅝” to 4” |
RG-7000, PG-6000 | Thread Roll Gage calibration |
RG-7000-1 | External thread roll gage ⅝” to 4”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
RG-7001 | External thread roll gage 4” to 8” |
RG-7001-1 | External thread roll gage 4” to 8”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
RG-7002 | External thread roll gage 8” to 12” |
RG-7002-1 | External thread roll gage 8” to 12”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
RG-7003 | External thread roll gage 12” to 16” |
RG-7003-1 | External thread roll gage 12” to 16”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
RG-7004 | External thread roll gage 16” to 20” |
RG-7004-1 | External thread roll gage 16” to 20”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
RG-7005 | External thread roll gage 20” to 24” |
RG-7005-1 | External thread roll gage 20” to 24”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
RG-7006 | External thread roll gage 24" to 28” |
RG-7006-1 | External thread roll gage 24" to 28”, .0001" Res. Indicator |
RG-LAA | Lower Adjustment Arm for RG-7000 |
RP-250-344 | R-RX Groove Profile R 20 |
RP-310-469 | R-RX Groove Profile R23 to R45, R49, R53, R57, R65, R69, R82, R84, & R99 |
RP-380-531 | R-RX Groove Profile R46, R73, R85, |
RP-440-656 | R-RX Groove Profile R50, R54, R66, R86, R87 |
RP-500-781 | R-RX Groove Profile R47, R70, R74, R88 |
RP-560-906 | R-RX Groove Profile R90 |
RP-620-1063 | R-RX Groove Profile R63 |
RP-690-1313 | R-RX Groove Profile R91 |
RS-1.0-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 1.0 Regular |
RS-1.0-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 1.0 Regular |
RS-1.5-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 1.5 Regular |
RS-1.5-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 1.5 Regular |
RS-2.375-EF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 External Flush |
RS-2.375-EF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 External Flush |
RS-2.375-IF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 Internal Flush |
RS-2.375-IF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 Internal Flush |
RS-2.375-OH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 Open Hole |
RS-2.375-OH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 Open Hole |
RS-2.375-PAC-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 PAC |
RS-2.375-PAC-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 PAC |
RS-2.375-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 Regular |
RS-2.375-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 Regular |
RS-2.375-SH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 Slim Hole |
RS-2.375-SH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 Slim Hole |
RS-2.375-SLH9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 Slimline H-90 |
RS-2.375-SLH9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 Slimline H-90 |
RS-2.375-WO-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.375 Wide Open |
RS-2.375-WO-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.375 Wide Open |
RS-2.875-EF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 External Flush |
RS-2.875-EF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 External Flush |
RS-2.875-FH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 Full Hole |
RS-2.875-FH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 Full Hole |
RS-2.875-IF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 Internal Flush |
RS-2.875-IF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 Internal Flush |
RS-2.875-OH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 Open Hole |
RS-2.875-OH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 Open Hole |
RS-2.875-PAC-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 PAC |
RS-2.875-PAC-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 PAC |
RS-2.875-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 Regular |
RS-2.875-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 Regular |
RS-2.875-SH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 Slim Hole |
RS-2.875-SH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 Slim Hole |
RS-2.875-SLH9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 Slimline H-90 |
RS-2.875-SLH9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 Slimline H-90 |
RS-2.875-WO-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 Wide Open |
RS-2.875-WO-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 Wide Open |
RS-2.875-XH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 2.875 eXtraHole |
RS-2.875-XH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 2.875 eXtra Hole |
RS-3.5-DS-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Double Streamline |
RS-3.5-DS-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Double Streamline |
RS-3.5-EF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 External Flush |
RS-3.5-EF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 External Flush |
RS-3.5-FH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Full Hole |
RS-3.5-FH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Full Hole |
RS-3.5-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 H-90 |
RS-3.5-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 H-90 |
RS-3.5-IF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Internal Flush |
RS-3.5-IF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Internal Flush |
RS-3.5-OH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Open Hole |
RS-3.5-OH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Open Hole |
RS-3.5-PAC-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 PAC |
RS-3.5-PAC-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 PAC |
RS-3.5-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Regular |
RS-3.5-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Regular |
RS-3.5-SH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Slim Hole |
RS-3.5-SH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Slim Hole |
RS-3.5-SLH9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Slimline H-90 |
RS-3.5-SLH9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Slimline H-90 |
RS-3.5-WO-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 Wide Open |
RS-3.5-WO-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 Wide Open |
RS-3.5-XH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 3.5 eXtra Hole |
RS-3.5-XH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 3.5 eXtra Hole |
RS-4.5-DS-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 Double Streamline |
RS-4.5-DS-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 Double Streamline |
RS-4.5-EF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 External Flush |
RS-4.5-EF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 External Flush |
RS-4.5-FH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 Full Hole |
RS-4.5-FH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 Full Hole |
RS-4.5-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 H-90 |
RS-4.5-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 H-90 |
RS-4.5-IF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 Internal Flush |
RS-4.5-IF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 Internal Flush |
RS-4.5-OH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 Open Hole |
RS-4.5-OH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 Open Hole |
RS-4.5-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 Regular |
RS-4.5-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 Regular |
RS-4.5-SH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 Slim Hole |
RS-4.5-SH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 Slim Hole |
RS-4.5-WO-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 Wide Open |
RS-4.5-WO-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, , 4.5 Wide Open |
RS-4.5-XH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4.5 eXtra Hole |
RS-4.5-XH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4.5 eXtra Hole |
RS-4-DS-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4 Double Streamline |
RS-4-DS-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4 Double Streamline |
RS-4-FH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4 Full Hole |
RS-4-FH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4 Full Hole |
RS-4-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4 H-90 |
RS-4-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4 H-90 |
RS-4-IF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4 Internal Flush |
RS-4-IF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4 Internal Flush |
RS-4-OH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4 Open Hole |
RS-4-OH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4 Open Hole |
RS-4-SH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4 Slim Hole |
RS-4-SH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4 Slim Hole |
RS-4-WO-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 4 Wide Open |
RS-4-WO-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 4 Wide Open |
RS-5.5-DS-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 5.5 Double Streamline |
RS-5.5-DS-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 5.5 Double Streamline |
RS-5.5-FH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 5.5 Full Hole |
RS-5.5-FH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 5.5 Full Hole |
RS-5.5-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 5.5 H-90 |
RS-5.5-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 5.5 H-90 |
RS-5.5-IF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 5.5 Internal Flush |
RS-5.5-IF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 5.5 Internal Flush |
RS-5.5-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 5.5 Regular |
RS-5.5-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 5.5 Regular |
RS-5-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 5 H-90 |
RS-5-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 5 H-90 |
RS-5-XH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 5 eXtra Hole |
RS-5-XH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 5 eXtra Hole |
RS-6.625-FH-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 6.625 Full Hole |
RS-6.625-FH-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 6.625 Full Hole |
RS-6.625-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 6.625 H-90 |
RS-6.625-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 6.625 H-90 |
RS-6.625-IF-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 6.625 Internal Flush |
RS-6.625-IF-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 6.625 Internal Flush |
RS-6.625-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 6.625 Regular |
RS-6.625-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 6.625 Regular |
RS-7.625-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 7.625 H-90 |
RS-7.625-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 7.625 H-90 |
RS-7.625-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 7.625 Regular |
RS-7.625-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 7.625 Regular |
RS-7-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 7 H-90 |
RS-7-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 7 H-90 |
RS-8.625-H9-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 8.625 H-90 |
RS-8.625-H9-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 8.625 H-90 |
RS-8.625-REG-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, 8.625 Regular |
RS-8.625-REG-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, 8.625 Regular |
RSG-16 | Rotor Saddle Gage with 2" wide by 16" long wear plates and 3 support braces. Indicator mounting center and one end. |
RSG-24 | Rotor Saddle Gage with 2" wide by 24" long wear plates and 4 support braces. Indicator mounting center and one end. |
RSG-7 | Rotor Saddle Gage with 2" wide by 7" long wear plates and 3 support braces. Indicator mounting center and one end. |
RS-NC10-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #10 |
RS-NC10-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #10 |
RS-NC12-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #12 |
RS-NC12-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #12 |
RS-NC13-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #13 |
RS-NC13-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #13 |
RS-NC16-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #16 |
RS-NC16-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #16 |
RS-NC23-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #23 |
RS-NC23-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #23 |
RS-NC26-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #26 |
RS-NC26-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #26 |
RS-NC31-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #31 |
RS-NC31-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #31 |
RS-NC35-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #35 |
RS-NC35-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #35 |
RS-NC38-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #38 |
RS-NC38-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #38 |
RS-NC40-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #40 |
RS-NC40-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #40 |
RS-NC44-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #44 |
RS-NC44-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #44 |
RS-NC46-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #46 |
RS-NC46-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #46 |
RS-NC50-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #50 |
RS-NC50-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #50 |
RS-NC56-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #56 |
RS-NC56-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #56 |
RS-NC61-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #61 |
RS-NC61-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #61 |
RS-NC70-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #70 |
RS-NC70-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #70 |
RS-NC77-B | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Box, NC #77 |
RS-NC77-P | Rod Standard for Rotary Shoulder Connection, Pin, NC #77 |
RSTD-1050EUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.050” EUE 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1050EUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.050” EUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-1050NUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.050” NUE , 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1050NUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.050” NUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-1315EUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.315” EUE , 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1315EUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.315” EUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-1315NUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.315” NUE , 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1315NUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.315” NUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-1660EUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.660” EUE , 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1660EUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.660” EUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-1660NUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.660” NUE , 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1660NUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.660” NUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-1900EUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.900” EUE , 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1900EUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.900” EUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-1900NUE-B | Round Style Setting Standard-1.900” NUE , 10 Round, Box |
RSTD-1900NUE-P | Round Style Setting Standard-1.900” NUE , 10 Round, Pin |
RSTD-238B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-238B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-238E-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” EUE, Box |
RSTD-238E-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” EUE, Box |
RSTD-238E-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” EUE, Pin |
RSTD-238E-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” EUE, Pin |
RSTD-238L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-238L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-238N-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” NUE, Box |
RSTD-238N-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” NUE, Pin |
RSTD-238S-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜”8R STC, Box |
RSTD-238S-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅜” 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-278B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-278B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-278E-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” EUE, Box |
RSTD-278E-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” EUE, Pin |
RSTD-278L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-278L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-278N-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” NUE, Box |
RSTD-278N-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” NUE, Pin |
RSTD-278S-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-278S-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 2⅞” 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-312B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-312B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-312E-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” EUE, Box |
RSTD-312E-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” EUE, Pin |
RSTD-312L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-312L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-312N-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” NUE, Box |
RSTD-312N-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” NUE, Pin |
RSTD-312S-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-312S-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 3½” 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-412B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-412B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-412E-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” EUE, Box |
RSTD-412E-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” EUE, Pin |
RSTD-412L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-412L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-412N-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” NUE, Box |
RSTD-412N-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” NUE, Pin |
RSTD-412S-9-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” - 9.50# 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-412S-9-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” - 9.50# 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-412S-O-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” - Other 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-412S-O-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4½” - Other 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-4B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4" Buttress, Box |
RSTD-4B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-4L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-4L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-4S-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 4” 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-4S-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 4” 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-512B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 5½” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-512B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 5½” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-512L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 5½” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-512L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 5½” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-512S-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 5½” 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-512S-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 5½” 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-5B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-5B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-5L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-5L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-5S-11-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” - 11.50# 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-5S-11-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” - 11.50# 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-5S-O-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” - Other 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-5S-O-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 5” - Other 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-658B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 6⅝” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-658B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 6⅝” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-658L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 6⅝” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-658L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 6⅝” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-658S-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 6⅝” 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-658S-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 6⅝” 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-7B-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” Buttress, Box |
RSTD-7B-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” Buttress, Pin |
RSTD-7L-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” 8R LTC, Box |
RSTD-7L-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” 8R LTC, Pin |
RSTD-7S-17-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” - 17.00# 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-7S-17-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” - 17.00# 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-7S-O-B | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” - Other 8R STC, Box |
RSTD-7S-O-P | Round Style Setting Standard- 7” - Other 8R STC, Pin |
RSTD-NC10-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #10, Box |
RSTD-NC10-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #10, Pin |
RSTD-NC12-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #12, Box |
RSTD-NC12-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #12, Pin |
RSTD-NC13-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #13, Box |
RSTD-NC13-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #13, Pin |
RSTD-NC16-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #16, Box |
RSTD-NC16-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #16, Pin |
RSTD-NC23-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #23, Box |
RSTD-NC23-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #23, Pin |
RSTD-NC26-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #26, Box |
RSTD-NC26-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #26, Pin |
RSTD-NC31-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #31, Box |
RSTD-NC31-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #31, Pin |
RSTD-NC35-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #35, Box |
RSTD-NC35-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #35, Pin |
RSTD-NC38-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #38, Box |
RSTD-NC38-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #38, Pin |
RSTD-NC40-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #40, Box |
RSTD-NC40-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #40, Pin |
RSTD-NC44-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #44, Box |
RSTD-NC44-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #44, Pin |
RSTD-NC46-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #46, Box |
RSTD-NC46-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #46, Pin |
RSTD-NC50-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #50, Box |
RSTD-NC50-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #50, Pin |
RSTD-NC56-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #56, Box |
RSTD-NC56-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #56, Pin |
RSTD-NC61-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #61, Box |
RSTD-NC61-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #61, Pin |
RSTD-NC70-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #70, Box |
RSTD-NC70-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #70, Pin |
RSTD-NC77-B | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #77, Box |
RSTD-NC77-P | Round Style Setting Standard- RSC, NC #77, Pin |
S021 | 0.021” Dia. Contact Point |
S03125 | 0.03125” Dia. Contact Point |
S032 | 0.032” Dia. Contact Point |
S041 | 0.041” Dia. Contact Point |
S050 | 0.050” Dia. Contact Point |
S057 | 0.057” Dia. Contact Point |
S062 | 0.062” Dia. Contact Point |
S072 | 0.072” Dia. Contact Point |
S090 | 0.090” Dia. Contact Point |
S096 | 0.096” Dia. Contact Point |
S098 | 0.098” Dia. Contact Point |
S105T | 0.105” Dia. Contact Point |
S115 | 0.115” Dia. Contact Point |
S125 | 0.125” Dia. Contact Point |
S128 | 0.128” Dia. Contact Point |
S144 | 0.144” Dia. Contact Point |
S156 | 0.156” Dia. Contact Point |
S188 | 0.188" Dia Contact Point |
S200 | 0.200” Dia. Contact Point |
S235 | 0.235” Dia. Contact Point |
S266 | 0.266” Dia. Contact Point |
S500 | 0.500” Dia. Contact Point |
SB-21.032 | Special set bar for CBX-21.027. Apex diameter 21.0320”. Supplied with TF-BX 23° angle blocks. |
SB-2100 | 8” long extension shoe, 1.500” – 1.700” |
SB-2110 | 8” long extension shoe, 1.625” – 1.825” |
SB-2120 | 8” long extension shoe, 1.975” – 2.175” |
SB-2150 | .130” riser, Requires SB-2200 extension shoe, 1.975” – 2.175” |
SB-2150A | 20" Extension shoe assembly, 1.975” – 2.175” |
SB-2200 | 20” extension shoe, requires an SB-riser |
SB-2300 | .280” riser, Requires SB-2200 extension shoe, 2.125” – 2.325” |
SB-2300A | 20" Extension shoe assembly, 2.125” – 2.325” |
SB-2400 | .380” riser, Requires SB-2200 extension shoe, 2.250” – 2.450” |
SB-2400A | 20" Extension shoe assembly, 2.250” – 2.450” |
SB-2500 | .480” rise, Requires SB-2200 extension shoe, 2.350” – 2.550” |
SB-2500A | 20" Extension shoe assembly, 2.350” – 2.550” |
SB-2600 | .580” riser, Requires SB-2200 extension shoe, 2.450” – 2.650” |
SB-2600A | 20" Extension shoe assembly, 2.450” – 2.650” |
SB-3500 | 20” extension shoe w/ brackets and adapter, 2.500” – 3.550” |
SB-4500 | 20” extension shoe w/ brackets and adapter, 3.250” – 4.450” |
SB-5500 | 20” extension shoe w/ brackets and adapter, 4.350” – 5.500” |
SB-6500 | 20” extension shoe w/ brackets and adapter, 5.350” – 6.550” |
SB-7500 | 20” extension shoe w/ brackets and adapter, 6.350” – 7.5500” |
SB-ADAPTER | Bracket & Adapter for SB-3500, SB-4500, and SB-5500, per drawing 3-0-587 |
SBFS-1600 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 1.600" |
SBFS-1727 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 1.727” |
SBFS-1800 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 1.800” |
SBFS-2062 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.062” |
SBFS-2187 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.187” |
SBFS-2312 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.312” |
SBFS-2325 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.325” |
SBFS-2375 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.375" |
SBFS-2437 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.437” |
SBFS-2540 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.540” |
SBFS-2598 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.598” |
SBFS-2680 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.680” |
SBFS-2700 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.700” |
SBFS-2720 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.720” |
SBFS-2736 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.736” |
SBFS-2900 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.900” |
SBFS-2980 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 2.980” |
SBFS-3080 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.080” |
SBFS-3150 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.150” |
SBFS-3175 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.175” |
SBFS-3245 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.245” |
SBFS-3260 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.260” |
SBFS-3303 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.303” |
SBFS-3400 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.400” |
SBFS-3425 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.425” |
SBFS-3440 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.440” |
SBFS-3488 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.488” |
SBFS-3500 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.500” |
SBFS-3592 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.592” |
SBFS-3620 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.620” |
SBFS-3625 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.625” |
SBFS-3750 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.750” |
SBFS-3795 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.795” |
SBFS-3800 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.800” |
SBFS-3805 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.805” |
SBFS-3885 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.885” |
SBFS-3900 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.900" |
SBFS-3976 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.976” |
SBFS-3980 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.980” |
SBFS-3985 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 3.985” |
SBFS-4000 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.000” |
SBFS-4160 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.160” |
SBFS-4165 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.165” |
SBFS-4250 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.250” |
SBFS-4343 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.343” |
SBFS-4346 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.346” |
SBFS-4370 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.370” |
SBFS-4394 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.394” |
SBFS-4520 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.520” |
SBFS-4526 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.526” |
SBFS-4538 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.538” |
SBFS-4567 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.567” |
SBFS-4576 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.576" |
SBFS-4585 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.585” |
SBFS-4609 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.609” |
SBFS-4640 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.640” |
SBFS-4700 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.700” |
SBFS-4706 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.706” |
SBFS-4750 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.750” |
SBFS-4800 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.800” |
SBFS-4880 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.880” |
SBFS-4886 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.886” |
SBFS-4890 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.890” |
SBFS-4900 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 4.900” |
SBFS-5025 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.025” |
SBFS-5060 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.060” |
SBFS-5150 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.150” |
SBFS-5240 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.240” |
SBFS-5314 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.314” |
SBFS-5350 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.350” |
SBFS-5420 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.420” |
SBFS-5500 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.500” |
SBFS-5600 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.600” |
SBFS-5750 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.750” |
SBFS-5780 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.780” |
SBFS-5850 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.850” |
SBFS-5960 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 5.960” |
SBFS-6050 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.050” |
SBFS-6140 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.140” |
SBFS-6250 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.250” |
SBFS-6320 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.320” |
SBFS-6375 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.375” |
SBFS-6500 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.500” |
SBFS-6600 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.600” |
SBFS-6680 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.680” |
SBFS-6750 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.750” |
SBFS-6860 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 6.860” |
SBFS-7040 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 7.040” |
SBFS-7220 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 7.220” |
SBFS-7375 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 7.375” |
SBFS-7450 | Flat Setting Standard, SBG, 7.450” |
SBG-0100E | Electronic Stator Bore Package w/ CPU, 6 Shoes, and Standards, Range: 2.025"-6.80" |
SBG-0100E-10FT | Special 10' Wand Only, accuracy of +/- 0.003” |
SBG-0100E-12FT | Special 12' Wand Only, accuracy of +/- 0.003” |
SBG-0100E-6FT | Wand Only for SBG-0100E, 6FT |
SBG-0100E-8FT | Special 8' Wand Only, accuracy of +/- 0.003” |
SBG-034 | SBG Setting Standard Base Plate |
SBG-035 | SBG Setting Standard Top Plate |
SBG-037 | SBG Setting Standard Threaded Rod |
SBG13-2200 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.200"-2.475" |
SBG13-2325 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.325"-2.600" |
SBG13-2580 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.580"-2.855" |
SBG13-2825 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.825"-3.100" |
SBG13-3000 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.000"-3.275" |
SBG13-3175 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.175"-3.450" |
SBG13-3425 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.425"-3.700" |
SBG13-3585 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.585"-3.860" |
SBG13-3795 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.795"-4.070" |
SBG13-4125 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.125"-4.400" |
SBG13-4375 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.375"-4.650" |
SBG13-4585 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.585"-4.860" |
SBG13-4800 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.800"-5.075" |
SBG13-5025 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.025"-5.300" |
SBG13-5200 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.200"-5.475" |
SBG13-5275 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.275"-5.550" |
SBG13-5425 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.425"-5.700" |
SBG13-5625 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.625"-5.900" |
SBG13-5925 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.925"-6.200" |
SBG13-6125 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.125"-6.400" |
SBG13-6350 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.350"-6.625" |
SBG13-6525 | SBG-0100E 13" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.525"-6.800" |
SBG20-2200 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.200"-2.475" |
SBG20-2325 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.325"-2.600" |
SBG20-2580 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.580"-2.855" |
SBG20-2825 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.825"-3.100" |
SBG20-3000 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.000"-3.275" |
SBG20-3175 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.175"-3.450" |
SBG20-3425 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.425"-3.700" |
SBG20-3585 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.585"-3.860" |
SBG20-3795 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.795"-4.070" |
SBG20-4125 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.125"-4.400" |
SBG20-4375 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.375"-4.650" |
SBG20-4585 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.585"-4.860" |
SBG20-4800 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.800"-5.075" |
SBG20-5025 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.025"-5.300" |
SBG20-5200 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.200"-5.475" |
SBG20-5275 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.275"-5.550" |
SBG20-5425 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.425"-5.700" |
SBG20-5625 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.625"-5.900" |
SBG20-5925 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.925"-6.200" |
SBG20-6125 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.125"-6.400" |
SBG20-6350 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.350"-6.625" |
SBG20-6525 | SBG-0100E 20" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.525"-6.800" |
SBG28-2200 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.200"-2.475" |
SBG28-2325 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.325"-2.600" |
SBG28-2580 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.580"-2.855" |
SBG28-2825 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 2.825"-3.100" |
SBG28-3000 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.000"-3.275" |
SBG28-3175 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.175"-3.450" |
SBG28-3425 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.425"-3.700" |
SBG28-3585 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.585"-3.860" |
SBG28-3795 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 3.795"-4.070" |
SBG28-4125 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.125"-4.400" |
SBG28-4375 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.375"-4.650" |
SBG28-4585 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.585"-4.860" |
SBG28-4800 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 4.800"-5.075" |
SBG28-5025 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.025"-5.300" |
SBG28-5200 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.200"-5.475" |
SBG28-5275 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.275"-5.550" |
SBG28-5425 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.425"-5.700" |
SBG28-5625 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.625"-5.900" |
SBG28-5925 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 5.925"-6.200" |
SBG28-6125 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.125"-6.400" |
SBG28-6350 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.350"-6.625" |
SBG28-6525 | SBG-0100E 28" Gage Extension Assembly, range 6.525"-6.800" |
SBG-5000A | Stator bore gage, Range 1.500" -2.000", Analog Indicator, Head Length 8.350". Includes 3 gage shoes |
SBG-5000D | Stator bore gage, Range 1.500"-1.650", Head Length 8.350" |
SBG-5000E | Stator bore gage, Range 1.500"-1.650", Cabled remote DRO, Head Length 8.350" |
SBG-5021D | Digital Indicator Stator Bore Gage- Special 21" Head Length |
SBG-5021E | Electronic Stator Bore Gage- Special 21" Head Length |
SBG-FSA | flat setting stanard assembly includes base plate, top plate, threaded rod, and speed nut. Dwg # 3-0-449 |
SBG-GIB | Interface box w/ computer. Includes SBG Software for data collection |
SBG-NUT | Speed nut |
SBRS-0805 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 0.805” |
SBRS-0915 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 0.915” |
SBRS-0980 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 0.980” |
SBRS-1025 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.025” |
SBRS-1094 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.094” |
SBRS-1135 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.135” |
SBRS-1245 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.245” |
SBRS-1280 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.280” |
SBRS-1355 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.355” |
SBRS-1465 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.465” |
SBRS-1562 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.562” |
SBRS-1575 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.575” |
SBRS-1687 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.687” |
SBRS-1812 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.812” |
SBRS-1925 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.925” |
SBRS-1937 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.937” |
SBRS-1960 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 1.960” |
SBRS-2062 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.062” |
SBRS-2187 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.187” |
SBRS-2312 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.312” |
SBRS-2437 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.437" |
SBRS-2540 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.540” |
SBRS-2720 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.720” |
SBRS-2736 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.736” |
SBRS-2900 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.900” |
SBRS-2980 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 2.980” |
SBRS-3080 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.080” |
SBRS-3245 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.245” |
SBRS-3260 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.260” |
SBRS-3425 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.425” |
SBRS-3440 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.440” |
SBRS-3488 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.488” |
SBRS-3592 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.592” |
SBRS-3620 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.620” |
SBRS-3625 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.625” |
SBRS-3750 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.750” |
SBRS-3800 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.800” |
SBRS-3805 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.805” |
SBRS-3885 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.885” |
SBRS-3976 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.976” |
SBRS-3980 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.980” |
SBRS-3985 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 3.985” |
SBRS-4160 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.160” |
SBRS-4165 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.165” |
SBRS-4343 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.343” |
SBRS-4346 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.346” |
SBRS-4394 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.343” |
SBRS-4520 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.520” |
SBRS-4526 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.526” |
SBRS-4538 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.538” |
SBRS-4609 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.609” |
SBRS-4700 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.700” |
SBRS-4706 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.706” |
SBRS-4800 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.800” |
SBRS-4880 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.880” |
SBRS-4886 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.886” |
SBRS-4890 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 4.890” |
SBRS-5060 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 5.060” |
SBRS-5240 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 5.240” |
SBRS-5314 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 5.314” |
SBRS-5420 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 5.420” |
SBRS-5600 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 5.600” |
SBRS-5780 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 5.780” |
SBRS-5960 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 5.960” |
SBRS-6140 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 6.140” |
SBRS-6320 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 6.320” |
SBRS-6500 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 6.500” |
SBRS-6680 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 6.680” |
SBRS-6860 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 6.860” |
SBRS-7040 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 7.040” |
SBRS-7220 | Round Setting Standard, SBG, 7.220” |
SCREW-1032BT | #10-32x3/8" Brass Tipped set screw |
SCREW-1420BT | 1/4"-20x3/8" Brass Tipped set screw |
SE-1000 | Straight Edge |
SES-1000 | Replacement Straight Edge Standard |
SG-8001 | Saddle Gage |
SG-8001-BB | Brass Bushing |
SG-8001-TA | SG-8001 Tube Assembly |
SG-8001-TB | Transfer Beam |
SL-H90 | Thread Height Standard, SL-H90, 1.25 TPF, 3 TPI to be used with T072 pt. |
SP-032 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 18 - 20 pitch/1 - 1.25mm pitch |
SP-032T | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 16 pitch, Truncated |
SP-041 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 13 -16 pitch/1.5 - 2mm pitch |
SP-041T | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 12 - 14 pitch, Truncated |
SP-050 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 11.5 - 12 pitch |
SP-050T | SPG-6000Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 10 pitch, Truncated |
SP-057 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 10 pitch/2.5mm pitch |
SP-062T | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 8 pitch, Truncated |
SP-072 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 8 - 9 pitch/3.5 - 3mm pitch |
SP-090T | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 6 pitch, Truncated |
SP-096 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 6 - 7 pitch/4 - 4.25mm pitch |
SP-105 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 5 pitch/4.5 - 4.75mm pitch |
SP-105T | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point, 5 pitch, Truncated |
SPA-265 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point Arms, .265” dia., 1” long |
SPA-375 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point Arms,.375” dia., 1.25” long |
SPA-437 | SPG-6000 Pitch Diameter Contact Point Arms,.437” dia., 1.50” long |
Spec Long Form Cert | Special Long Form Certificates |
SPG-6000 | Internal Thread Roll/Pitch Diameter Gage 5/8” to 1½” |
SPG-Handle | Handles for SPG-6000, 1 set of 2 |
SQ-1630 | Squareness Gage, 36" total length of main "H" bar |
SQ-1630HB | Main "H" bar only for the SQ-1630 |
SQ-1636 | Squareness Gage, 42" total length of main "H" bar |
SQ-1636HB | Main "H" bar only for the SQ-1636 |
SQ-PT-SLIDE | Squareness Gage point slider |
SRA-10P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 10 pitch |
SRA-11P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 11 pitch |
SRA-12P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 12 pitch |
SRA-13P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 13 pitch |
SRA-14P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 14 pitch |
SRA-16P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 16 pitch |
SRA-18P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 18 pitch |
SRA-4P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 4 pitch |
SRA-5P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 5 pitch |
SRA-6P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 6 pitch |
SRA-7P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 7 pitch |
SRA-8P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 8 pitch |
SRA-9P | SPG-6000 ACME Thread Rolls, 9 pitch |
SRMI-15P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 1.5mm pitch |
SRMI-175P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 1.75mm pitch |
SRMI-1P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 1mm pitch |
SRMI-25P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 2.5mm pitch |
SRMI-2P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 2mm pitch |
SRMI-35P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 3.5mm pitch |
SRMI-3P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 3mm pitch |
SRMI-4P | SPG-6000 ISO Metric Thread Rolls, 4mm pitch |
SRSA-10P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 10 pitch |
SRSA-11P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 11 pitch |
SRSA-12P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 12 pitch |
SRSA-13P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 13 pitch |
SRSA-14P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 14 pitch |
SRSA-16P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 16 pitch |
SRSA-18P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 18 pitch |
SRSA-4P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 4 pitch |
SRSA-6P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 6 pitch |
SRSA-7P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 7 pitch |
SRSA-8P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 8 pitch |
SRSA-9P | SPG-6000 Stub ACME Thread Rolls, 9 pitch |
SRVE-10P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 10 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-11P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 11 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-12P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 12 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-13P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 13 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-14P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 14 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-16P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 16 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-18P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 18 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-20P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 20 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-28P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 28 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-5P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 5 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-6P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 6 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVE-8P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 8 pitch external 60° “V” |
SRVI-10P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 10 pitch internal 60° “V” |
SRVI-11P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 11 pitch internal 60° “V” |
SRVI-12P | SPG-6000 UN Series Thread Rolls, 12 pitch internal 60° “V” |